
The Difference Between Spam Emails and Phishing Emails
Far too often, people confuse spam emails and phishing emails. Although both spam emails and phishing emails are unwanted incoming communications, they are completely different.

How Managed Services Saves Your Business
Are you currently staring at a costly IT bill from your break/fix provider from their last visit? You aren’t alone. Many business owners have fallen victim to this scheme, and we are happy to tell you there is a better way.

How to Spot a Credit Card Skimmer
Credit card skimmers are still out there – and everyday more and more people become a victim of credit card fraud because of them – it’s just as common as being hacked online.

How to Spot a Phishing Email
While there is no fool-proof method for avoiding falling victim to a phishing attack, knowing how to spot likely culprits is one step in the right direction.

Data Breach Quick Tips
If you happen to find yourself on the receiving end of a data breach or one of your accounts is hacked, here’s what you should remember.

Computer Expert Badge
On Monday, November 12th, Magnitech Solutions welcomed 28 Girl Scout Brownies into our office to earn their Computer Expert Badge.

Four Tips for More Secure Passwords
Passwords are a part of our daily online life, and building secure passwords is becoming more and more important. Today we are going to go through 4 tips for more secure passwords. The goal when creating a new password is to create something uncrackable.

What is Managed Services?
Managed Services is a fully outsourced IT department that takes care of all of your IT needs (and headaches). If it is IT related, a managed services provider can make it better.

Section 179 IRS Tax Deduction
If you’ve been thinking about purchasing hardware or software for your business, it would be wise to do so before the end of the year.