
Why Your SMB Needs a Virtual Chief Information Officer
A strong cybersecurity team is one of the most important aspects of any business, whether it be big or small. Cybersecurity companies are becoming a necessity when it comes to ensuring protection against the latest digital threats. In fact, outsourced cybersecurity teams are the most cost-effective and innovative ways to

Cybersecurity by the Numbers
We get asked all the time how much you should worry about cybersecurity… specifically, how much a cyber incident could cost you and your business. Here we’ll show you the potential cost and impact of a cybersecurity event. Spoiler alert… it’s a lot! We all know cybersecurity breaches are bad

How Hackers Use Social Engineering Tactics in Phishing Scams
Social engineering is quite a buzzword these days in the world of cybersecurity. What is it, and why are businesses so afraid of it? It is a form of hacking that uses deception and manipulation to get victims to divulge information. Companies have reason to be fearful because social engineering

Educating Your Staff to Spot Social Engineering
One of the newest techniques used by hackers to gain private data is social engineering. This method uses human psychology to gather data rather than simply attacking a system. When you consider it, this approach is quite brilliant because it avoids having to go through strict network security. Someone will

January Recap: All You Need to Know About Social Engineering
This month, we covered a range of topics concerning social engineering. Social engineering is now considered one of the most prevalent risks when it comes to online security. Most hackers rely heavily on social engineering tactics to lure unsuspecting users to divulge information. It sounds complicated but it’s nothing more

The Top 5 Ways Cybercriminals Use Social Engineering
Advanced technology and cutting-edge hacking techniques have been the main tool that cybercriminals use for online attacks. But did you know that the most effective method that hackers use for enticing victims online is something so much simpler? Cybercriminals use social engineering or in other words, manipulate people by establishing

Where Does Social Engineering Come From?
Social engineering scams are so much more rampant these days than ever before. There will certainly be suspicious-looking items in your inbox when you check your emails, which are most likely phishing emails. Many people now know to avoid clicking these malicious emails, which is a good thing. But still,

What Is Social Engineering and How Can It Affect Your Business?
Terms like phishing and malware have become very common these days because of their widespread use online. Did you know that these activities are but a small part of a much bigger operation known as social engineering? Definition of Social Engineering The term might be new but the practice has

IT Compliance and Why It Is Important for Your Business
In running a business, there are a lot of important matters that need to be taken care of although they are not really in line with the core competencies of the business. One such matter is IT compliance. In the last few weeks, we have been talking about compliance and