
Social Engineering via Social Media
These are just a few of the main ways that social engineers are using social media to target people.

Should Your Business Move to the Cloud?
Everyone is talking about cloud computing these days and for good reason. The cloud is revolutionizing how computing power is generated and consumed.

IT Support Specialist Best Practices
With the technology world constantly changing, IT support specialists have to consistently stay on top of their game to deliver results to their clients.

How to Recognize Scams
Magnitech CEO, Tim Pabich, sat on an expert panel to explain how to recognize scams and what to do to protect yourself.

How an MSP Protects Your Company Part 2
Data breaches can happen in many forms. Some of it is all electronic, and you never know the human behind the mask.

3 Ways to Better Secure Credit Card Data
Recent research suggests that credit card data is the most sought after data in a breach. Why is that?

What is Spear Phishing?
Phishing attempts directed at specific individuals or companies have been termed spear phishing. These are highly targeted attacks.

Everything You Need to Know About Malvertising
Malvertising is a cyber threat found in malicious advertising. In this case, hackers use advertising to spread malware.

Tips to Keep Kids Safe Online
Online safety covers a wide variety of areas. Children should know what to look out for and what is okay. The internet can be an amazing and powerful tool for kids.