What is IT Security and IT Compliance?

What Is IT Compliance?

IT compliance is about meeting the needs of a third party so that the business operations or services are accepted. For example, governments have rules about technology that companies must follow if they want to do business legally in the government’s territory. Some industries also have specific IT guidelines that we must follow. IT compliance also includes meeting the contractual terms of a client or customer.

Most times, IT compliance overlaps with IT security. Many of the requirements have to do with protecting the system and data. However, the purpose of IT compliance is to meet specific requirements. If you can’t meet these requirements, you might not get a license or certification that you need, or a potential client might not choose you for their project.

What Are the Differences?

Although they have some similarities, IT security and IT compliance have three major differences.

1. What They Protect

IT security protects your business’s data and IT infrastructure. This is done by using best practices and the best protection possible. IT compliance safeguards your company’s operations by ensuring that all rules are followed. This protection lets your business run smoothly and without problems.

2. Who They Benefit

Your company is the one that benefits from IT security procedures because it is your data and your network that are guarded from online risks. With IT compliance, you have some benefits, but its primary purpose is to meet the demands of a third party to protect your business from a legal standpoint.

3. How They Are Implemented

IT compliance is when a third party sets specific requirements, and once these requirements are met, the job is considered done. But IT security requires ongoing upgrades and maintenance to fight current threats. It needs to change with your business and may need to be updated and improved all the time.

If you need help with either of these aspects of your business, it is best to enlist the services of experts rather than attempt to tackle it with limited skill or experience.

We can prepare a solid strategy to keep your company protected, and we can help your business recover quickly if you become the victim of a cyber incident. Contact us to learn more about enhancing your IT.

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