Hiring & recruiting best practices for 2023




First impressions are important, and you only get one chance. When you recruit and interview for open roles candidates want to make a good first impression. It’s important to remember candidates are also interviewing you, how your organization shows up is just as important. Is your hiring process leaving a first impression that is positive and candidate friendly?

In today’s job market, candidates weigh many factors when trying to decide whether or a not a company is a good fit for them. They are looking at company values, culture, flexibility, and even your application and hiring process.

If you want to be a place candidates WANT to work at, there are some things you should include in your hiring process:

Job description

We have already established that first impressions are very important in your hiring process. That first impression begins with your job posting. Your post should be clear, concise, easy to read and not littered with corporate jargon. These phrases can be confusing and unhelpful in understanding the role in which you are advertising.

Pay transparency

An accurate salary range should be included in your job posting. Applicants should understand what the pay scale is for the job in which they are applying. Conversations around salary should happen in the very first interview. It’s important to find out what the candidates expectation is. Being open about compensation from the beginning will avoid wasting time with a candidate that has a salary expectation outside of your allotted range.

Friendly and conversational interviews

Interviewers should be open and friendly, allow the conversation to flow naturally. Although it’s important to have a standard interview format, the candidate does not want to feel like you are reciting questions form a list or even worse like they are being interrogated. Interviewers should take a genuine interest in the applicant as a person. Everyone has a different interview style, but you should always speak to a candidate in a way that feels genuine and inviting.  You want candidates to leave the interview excited about the opportunity and with an interest in working for your organization.

Follow Up

We’ve all been on the job hunt before and can empathize with how exhausting it can be. The worst feeling is when you think an interview went great only to never hear from the recruiter again. GHOSTED.

During the interview you should outline what the process will look like for the applicant, they should know what they can expect and when they can expect it. Let the candidate know they can reach out with questions at any time. Share new information as soon as you have it, even if that information is that you are not moving forward with the candidate or that there is a delay in the process. Even if you pass on a candidate, providing an open humanizing experience in the application process will leave things on a positive note, they might even recommend your company to others and be inclined to consider your organization for other opportunities in the future.

Outline growth potential

Job seekers are looking to join organizations where they can grow their career and build skillsets. You should be upfront about what growth looks like in your organization. What learning and development incentives do you provide? What does your training program look like? How do you support employees in their growth? These are all things that should be clearly outlined in the interview.

Share your culture

Culture matters, employees want to work at an organization that is positive and inclusive. If you don’t have a social media presence you should implement a plan to create social media accounts for your organization. Your social media pages are a great way to show off your company’s culture and what life might be like day to day as an employee there.

Now is the perfect time to audit your recruiting process and position your organization as a place candidates want to work. Happy hunting!

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