Fear of Change in Business and IT

Fear of Change in Business and IT

Magnitech’s Account Executive, Robbie Corirossi, Covers how change can cause fear

Fear of Change in Business and IT

Change can cause fear, especially when it comes to a key piece of your organization. Changing your IT supplier is not an instant decision. If you’ve had enough of status quo yet trigger shy to make the jump here are some important tips to help you choose your next IT service provider.

Culture:  Do your company cultures sync or do they clash? Do your work styles compliment or contrast each other?  Does your sense of urgency align?

Proximity:  When crisis occurs and remote support does not solve the issue, does your service provider have the ability to come on-site same day to rectify the problem?

Tenure & Turnover:  What is the average length of client tenure and how many clients have been lost?  Why do they stay and why do they leave?

Accessibility and Availability:  How accessible is your provider, will they answer the phone or do they only offer support via email and chat?  Does after hour support rectify the problem or do they address and fix it the next day?

Impact: Understand and appreciate the importance of a well-run IT infrastructure for your business. You need reliable and effective IT services.

Hardware vs. Software: Every component of your network affects your business performance. Don’t just look at software. When did you last review the routers, firewalls, and switches?

Put them to the Test:  Ask them the about the last 3 emergency situations they faced and what measures were taken to rectify?  What procedures were put in place to prevent a repeat situation?

The steps to acquire new clients Are an investment of time for both parties.  The goal is to create a win-win for both companies.

At Magnitech, it all starts with a first appointment. During this encounter the air time belongs to the prospect.  Much like a visit to the Dr, it is important to ask questions to discover the symptoms, the pain, where it hurts most, and the implications of the issues.   The 2nd step is called the discovery, and much like an MRI we take a deeper look into what the physical eye can’t see.  In IT terms that means plugging into the network and uncovering the good, the bad, and the ugly.  The third and final step is to present the findings and discuss the plan of action to rectify the health of the network. We want to align a strong technology plan with your business goals.

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