Network Security | Naperville, IL
IT Security Beyond Network Health
Before computers, business and personal data were often printed, and stored in file cabinets or safes. A criminal would need to break in to obtain the physical copy in order to steal more information. Alarms, locks, and other physical security measures were taken to stop crime. Today, everything is saved on a computer, server, and/or cloud. Criminals can steal information from their computer chair. Magnitech provides network security consulting and network security auditing services in Naperville, IL to help lock down your network and keep it secure. Our expert network security consultants can help you identify weaknesses in your network and then propose solutions to address these weaknesses, keeping you and your valuable data safe.
What Can The Security Enhancement Provide?
URL Filtering, Phish Testing, and CEO Fraud and Spoofing Prevention.
Two-Factor Authentication
Even if your password is compromised, you need a secure PIN to log in.
We look for it, we find it, and then we fix it using vulnerability scans and best practices.
Why Do You Need It?
Defending against cyber criminals is the new normal. It’s no longer just about repairing a failed computer, or recovering a lost file. Today, we have to defend against real-live threats working to attack you, and your employees.